Social Syndication Is Here: Upload and Schedule Any Type of Content to Facebook and Twitter with One Burst

What if you could publish any type of media and send it out to DashBurst, Facebook and Twitter simultaneously with just one simple click? Well, today you can! We’re excited to announce the release of social syndication to Facebook and Twitter. You can use this new ability in three ways: post now to your favorite… Continue reading Social Syndication Is Here: Upload and Schedule Any Type of Content to Facebook and Twitter with One Burst

TIME Magazine Predicts When You Should Get Married

The word “marriage” can elicit a range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to sadness to fear. But what if the responsibility of deciding when to marry were removed from your shoulders? Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you view it) TIME Tech created a Web app that tells you the perfect age for you… Continue reading TIME Magazine Predicts When You Should Get Married

This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]

Are you an Instagram, Facebook or Vine addict? Or potentially even more dangerous, do you often share your Instagrams and Vine selfies on Facebook and Twitter too? Animator and YouTube star sWooZie has put together a hilarious bit on how we interact with social media and in turn our friends. The animation was inspired via… Continue reading This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]

Twitter Releases Scheduled Tweets Feature

Twitter has announced the ability to schedule organic or Promoted Tweets at specific times and dates within a year in advance. The feature is only available to marketers, though, who are currently using Twitter’s Ad Products and can be included in new or existing Promoted Tweet campaigns. According to Twitter: With scheduled Tweets, you can… Continue reading Twitter Releases Scheduled Tweets Feature

Streaming Tweets Through the Streets: The Social City Detector

Social media is present everywhere we go. Yet there is still a thin digital divide between our real life and our online world. Sure, we browse the internet on our computers, tablets and mobile phones anywhere we like, but it’s still through some computing device that negotiates our electronic interactions. Companies like Google and Apple… Continue reading Streaming Tweets Through the Streets: The Social City Detector

17 Best Social Media Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Groups are a great place for like-minded professionals with similar interests to share and discover new content, ask questions, post and find jobs, make new business contacts, and more. There are thousands of LinkedIn Groups covering every area, and each provides a great way to establish yourself as an industry expert in your field.… Continue reading 17 Best Social Media Groups on LinkedIn

What if Social Network 404 ‘Page Not Found’ Errors Told the Truth?

As high traffic sites that constantly get overloaded, social networks often experience quite a bit of downtime, potentially leading to famous 404 “page not found” errors like the Twitter fail whale. But sometimes the error isn’t caused by the actual site, it’s caused by you! So the next time you catch an error scrolling through… Continue reading What if Social Network 404 ‘Page Not Found’ Errors Told the Truth?

Reddit Features New Topics to Align with the Changing Face of the Internet

What was big yesterday, isn’t always popular today. So Reddit is now looking to shake things up for new users by featuring a new set of topics by default. For those of you who aren’t big on Reddit yet, like the 6% of adults online who use it, the topics logged-out users and new users… Continue reading Reddit Features New Topics to Align with the Changing Face of the Internet