The web is becoming more dominated by mobile browsers and tablets each day. So to keep up, we’ve released a major update to the DashBurst Beta theme to allow it to be responsive to any sized browser with enhanced support for mobile devices including Androids and iPhones. Now you can easily explore and share content… Continue reading Meet the New Mobile DashBurst: Explore and Share from Anywhere
Tag: Mobile
Mobile news and cool apps for Android and iOS.
12 Best Social Media Management Tools
Social media is one of the most effective ways for you and your business to get more traffic and generate new leads. Having the right social media management tools and a presence on all the major networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn is a necessity these days for any business. But what kind of… Continue reading 12 Best Social Media Management Tools
WhatsApp reaches 600 Million Active Users
At the end of April, popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp announced that it surpassed the milestone of half a billion active users each month. Just four months later, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum tweeted that the app has now surpassed 600 million monthly active users. Now serving 600,000,000 monthly active users. Yes, active and registered are… Continue reading WhatsApp reaches 600 Million Active Users
Don’t Shoot the Messenger [COMIC]
Human nature often makes us want to blame the bearer of bad news. But if you heard the latest shocking news from Facebook’s Messenger app, no one could blame you for being alarmed. Now Facebook will force users to use this app when sending people messages on the phone (instead of through the normal Facebook… Continue reading Don’t Shoot the Messenger [COMIC]
What’s the Most Important Design Principle?
Phone companies like Apple and Samsung have been in a dog fight to create the ultimate phone, yet most people think they both work alike and look the same. The philosophy that bigger is better seems to be the new guiding design principle but remember, “good design is how it works.” Comic by re-form
The Light in the Darkness [COMIC]
Are you having trouble waking up this morning? Feeling tired at the office? Monday mornings can be rough for many workers and students alike on little sleep. With 44% of people sleeping with their cellphones, digital distractions have never been as plentiful. What keeps you awake at night? Comic by Maximumble
Enjoying a Moment: Then Vs. Now [COMIC]
When was the last time you enjoyed seeing the beauty of a fiery sunset reflected in the open water? That is, when was the last time you felt in awe of nature and didn’t also feel the need to post a photo of the scene on Instagram and/or Facebook? Comic by Truth Facts
Jailbreak: Congress Passes Bill to Legalize Unlocking Cellphones
In a win for the U.S. public, the House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday allowing consumers to remove the digital locks on their cellphones and legally switch between mobile carriers. Until now, consumers risked fines of up to $500,000 and five years in jail for “jailbreaking,” unlocking phones without a phone company’s consent.… Continue reading Jailbreak: Congress Passes Bill to Legalize Unlocking Cellphones