At the end of April, popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp announced that it surpassed the milestone of half a billion active users each month. Just four months later, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum tweeted that the app has now surpassed 600 million monthly active users.
Now serving 600,000,000 monthly active users. Yes, active and registered are very different types of numbers…
— jan koum (@jankoum) August 25, 2014
WhatsApp’s success can be attributed in part to its recent popularity in countries like Brazil, India, Mexico, and Russia. Over the past several months, the mobile messaging app has grown fastest in those countries. In addition, WhatsApp users share over 700 million photos and 100 million videos each day alone.
With all of WhatsApp’s growth and success, it’s becoming increasingly evident what a smart move it was for Facebook to buy the mobile app earlier this year in February.
Featured image by Abul Hussain