At the end of April, popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp announced that it surpassed the milestone of half a billion active users each month. Just four months later, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum tweeted that the app has now surpassed 600 million monthly active users. Now serving 600,000,000 monthly active users. Yes, active and registered are… Continue reading WhatsApp reaches 600 Million Active Users
Tag: whatsapp
Is Facebook Building a Snapchat Killer?
If you can’t buy it, build it. This seems to be the mentality behind one of Facebook’s latest developments, an ephemeral messaging app to rival that of Snapchat, according to the Financial Times. The app, labeled internally as “Slingshot,” will allow users to send each other photos and videos. The initiative is being overseen directly… Continue reading Is Facebook Building a Snapchat Killer?
Snapchat Tops WhatsApp, Others as Leading Third-Party Messaging Service in the US [REPORT]
WhatsApp may have reached over 500 million users last month, but Snapchat is still in the lead when it comes to generating mobile traffic. According to a recent report by network policy control provider Sandvine, Snapchat has become the leading third-party messaging service in terms of volume. And with the app’s recently added video calling… Continue reading Snapchat Tops WhatsApp, Others as Leading Third-Party Messaging Service in the US [REPORT]
WhatsApp Reaches the 500 Million User Milestone
It is safe to say that Mark Zuckerberg was smart to invest his time and money in the popular global messaging app WhatsApp. The company announced today April 22 that it reached a whopping 500 million users, making it seem like the app is well on its way to one billion users. This milestone number… Continue reading WhatsApp Reaches the 500 Million User Milestone
WhatsApp Users Send and Receive a Record 64 Billion Messages in One Day
Have you used WhatsApp lately? If so, you might have helped set a new messaging record. The real-time messaging app announced over Twitter last night that its users sent and received a record 64 billion messages in one day: new daily record: 20B messages sent (inbound) and 44B messages received (outbound) by our users =… Continue reading WhatsApp Users Send and Receive a Record 64 Billion Messages in One Day
Mark Zuckerberg’s Social Media Valuations [COMIC]
Do you think Facebook paid a bit too much for the likes of Instagram ($1 billion), WhatsApp ($19 billion) and Oculus VR ($2 billion)? Comic by The Joy of Tech
WhatsApp Founder Stresses Commitment to Privacy Despite Facebook Acquisition
Since the popular messaging service WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion, users have worried that the takeover would eventually lead to unfavorable changes to their favorite chat app. Though CEO and cofounder Jan Koum emphasized that WhatsApp would maintain its autonomy and continue to operate independently, there were whispers that Facebook would soon… Continue reading WhatsApp Founder Stresses Commitment to Privacy Despite Facebook Acquisition
WhatsApp to Add Voice Calling by June
WhatsApp is a great app for quietly sending text messages and pictures to your friends all over the world. But louder functionalities are coming to the real-time messaging app soon. CEO Jan Koum announced at the Mobile World Congress today that WhatsApp, recently acquired by Facebook for $19 billion, will add voice calling by Q2… Continue reading WhatsApp to Add Voice Calling by June