At the end of April, popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp announced that it surpassed the milestone of half a billion active users each month. Just four months later, WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum tweeted that the app has now surpassed 600 million monthly active users. Now serving 600,000,000 monthly active users. Yes, active and registered are… Continue reading WhatsApp reaches 600 Million Active Users
Tag: jan koum
WhatsApp Founder Stresses Commitment to Privacy Despite Facebook Acquisition
Since the popular messaging service WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion, users have worried that the takeover would eventually lead to unfavorable changes to their favorite chat app. Though CEO and cofounder Jan Koum emphasized that WhatsApp would maintain its autonomy and continue to operate independently, there were whispers that Facebook would soon… Continue reading WhatsApp Founder Stresses Commitment to Privacy Despite Facebook Acquisition