Have you met the new DashBurst yet? We have just launched a new multimedia social network and blogging platform for creatives of all types and we’re live on Indiegogo! Are you a writer, artist, musician or creator of any kind of media? We’ve spent nearly three years developing DashBurst into an emerging community to help… Continue reading Ready. Set. Let’s Indiegogo and Help Get DashBurst – a Social Nework for Creatives of All Types – Funded
Category: Causes
Good causes and organizations worth supporting.
7 Social Issues That Robin Williams Brought to Film and TV
There is a lot of buzz circulating about Robin Williams since his death on Monday. Think Progress wrote its own tribute to the great actor and comedian by illuminating seven social issues that Williams portrayed on the big screen. Here are the seven films and shows, along with their trailers, that brought social issues to… Continue reading 7 Social Issues That Robin Williams Brought to Film and TV
Jailbreak: Congress Passes Bill to Legalize Unlocking Cellphones
In a win for the U.S. public, the House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday allowing consumers to remove the digital locks on their cellphones and legally switch between mobile carriers. Until now, consumers risked fines of up to $500,000 and five years in jail for “jailbreaking,” unlocking phones without a phone company’s consent.… Continue reading Jailbreak: Congress Passes Bill to Legalize Unlocking Cellphones
Dear FCC Site Lets You Make a Public Comment to Fight for Net Neutrality
Are you a fan of the Internet? As of today, the web you know and love is under threat of new Federal Communications Commission regulation that could allow internet service providers to become paid gatekeepers of the web. These ISPs would be able to make special deals with companies that can afford to “pay to… Continue reading Dear FCC Site Lets You Make a Public Comment to Fight for Net Neutrality
Photographing Black Dogs to Help Them Get Adopted More Often
It’s a little-known fact that dogs with black fur are less likely to get adopted. That’s why artist and photographer Fred Levy created the Black Dogs Project, a photo series of black dogs to call attention to the fact that black dogs are often passed over for adoption and perhaps help even the scales. Based… Continue reading Photographing Black Dogs to Help Them Get Adopted More Often
The Wikipedia for Schools Project Aims to Empower Students Who Can’t Get Online
The Internet provides a wealth of resources and knowledge, but unfortunately not everyone can consistently get online. In fact, two out of every three people in the world still don’t have access to the Internet. It’s this digital divide that SOS Children, one of the largest charities for orphans and abandoned children, hoped to bridge… Continue reading The Wikipedia for Schools Project Aims to Empower Students Who Can’t Get Online
President Obama Hosts the First-Ever White House Make Faire [DIY]
There is a new grass-roots revolution taking place in manufacturing for the inspired do-it-yourself types. This week, President Obama hosted the first White House Make Faire to meet with students from various backgrounds in science, technology and engineering, along with other hands-on entrepreneurs who are using new high-tech and collaborative maker tools to build businesses.… Continue reading President Obama Hosts the First-Ever White House Make Faire [DIY]
Google Launches Initiative to Inspire Girls to Learn How to Code [EDUCATION]
We all use computers, but the professional field around them remains dominated by males. In fact, fewer than one percent of high school girls have expressed interest in learning computer science, despite the potential high salaries and good job opportunities available. So today Google is attempting to solve this problem by launching Made with Code,… Continue reading Google Launches Initiative to Inspire Girls to Learn How to Code [EDUCATION]