We know the art of asking someone out has disintegrated from in-person to over the phone call, from SMS messages to private messages on social networks. But did we ever think where social networks would facilitate the process of asking someone out with one click of the mouse? Facebook has now made asking someone out… Continue reading Well, This is Awkward: Facebook Now Lets You Ask about People’s Relationship Status
Tag: relationships
TIME Magazine Predicts When You Should Get Married
The word “marriage” can elicit a range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to sadness to fear. But what if the responsibility of deciding when to marry were removed from your shoulders? Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you view it) TIME Tech created a Web app that tells you the perfect age for you… Continue reading TIME Magazine Predicts When You Should Get Married
This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]
Are you an Instagram, Facebook or Vine addict? Or potentially even more dangerous, do you often share your Instagrams and Vine selfies on Facebook and Twitter too? Animator and YouTube star sWooZie has put together a hilarious bit on how we interact with social media and in turn our friends. The animation was inspired via… Continue reading This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]