Reddit Rallies to Restore Your Privacy Rights on July 4th #restorethefourth

Restore the Fourth is a non-partisan, non-violent protest gathering nationwide on July 4th to raise awareness about unconstitutional surveillance methods that are currently being employed by the U.S. Government. What started out as a grassroots movement 24 days ago on Reddit, has turned into a full-blown demand by Reddit and the rest of the community… Continue reading Reddit Rallies to Restore Your Privacy Rights on July 4th #restorethefourth

The More Time You Spend on Twitter [CHART]

Have you noticed your followers on Twitter continue to increase yet engagement hasn’t so much? That’s probably because 90% of your followers aren’t actually people but rather computerized robots. It has almost transgressed into a room full of machines simultaneously shouting out article links and inspirational quotes; 140 characters at a time. And the longer… Continue reading The More Time You Spend on Twitter [CHART]

How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

Sites like Facebook have become a haven for prying eyes ranging from profile stalkers to government officials like the NSA. You never know who is watching these days. Is there even such a thing as privacy on social media anymore? Well, take charge of your Facebook account today with four easy steps toward seizing back… Continue reading How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

Every time I hear a press announcement these days I get a sense of déjà vu, as if I’ve heard the news before. Maybe that’s because heralded features like hashtags on Facebook and video support on Instagram were expected for a long time. Or maybe it’s because all these new features are pretty old and… Continue reading Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

REPORT: Google+ Could Overtake Facebook by 2016

Could you imagine any social network growing bigger than Facebook? Probably not, but few people were ready to predict MySpace’s downfall, either. While Facebook might not be going down per say, a new report by Searchmetrics analyzing over 30 trillion social signals suggests that Google+ could overtake Facebook in total sharing as early as 2016! This… Continue reading REPORT: Google+ Could Overtake Facebook by 2016

Microsoft ‘Looks to Get Social’ with Creative Updates to Network and BLINK

Microsoft Research appears at it again, their network project from FUSE Labs has just released four new ways for people to share thier ideas on the web. Perhaps you’ve never heard of yet, which was “created as an experimental research project in social research” which is a fancy way of saying it was… Continue reading Microsoft ‘Looks to Get Social’ with Creative Updates to Network and BLINK

10 Most Common Social Profile Pics and What They Really Mean

When you upload a new profile pic on Facebook or Twitter, what is it really saying about you? Is the photo some throwback to better looking days? Or are you trying to flaunt some new relationship to the chagrin of your ex? Well, whether you just posted your latest duck face or some picture from… Continue reading 10 Most Common Social Profile Pics and What They Really Mean

7 Social Design Principles: How to Make Content People Want to Share

The Internet is full of people sharing interesting things all day. From liking pictures on Facebook to retweeting cool articles, sharing is something everyone enjoys doing in one way or another. Yet receiving likes and retweets can seem impossible. Why is this? Here’s the secret to receiving social shares: you need to create content that… Continue reading 7 Social Design Principles: How to Make Content People Want to Share