As you browse the Internet and your Facebook wall, how many different factions do you think have the ability to watch you, beyond the NSA, Facebook, Google and your neighbor’s evil hacker kid? And then who is watching these watchers? Comic by The Joy of Tech
Tag: Caturday
Cute cats, kittens, videos and feline photography.
How Does Cat Hair Spread? [COMIC]
Do you have a pet cat? People and the Internet love their cats but it’s usually not because of their sensible manners. Like do you have a problem with cat hair all over your place? How does the cat’s fur get everywhere like that? Comic via Imgur
The Future of Wearable Technology [COMIC]
The dawn of wearable technology is upon us, featuring everything from smartwatches to Google Glass. But as you can imagine, the next wave of digital wearables may hit a little closer to home, like a wall ornament that could simulate your mother’s disapproval of any frivolous activities. Or consider all the marketing opportunities that could… Continue reading The Future of Wearable Technology [COMIC]
The Problem with Hashtags, Selfies and Instagram Filters [COMIC]
Do you have any friends who can no longer speak without hashtags? It’s as if they are so terrified to miss out on anything, that all their communications must be properly tagged and indexed, making it available for all the world to see. What about Instagram filter and selfie-obsessed friends? These people can only communicate… Continue reading The Problem with Hashtags, Selfies and Instagram Filters [COMIC]
The ‘Super Mario’ Inspired Climbing Box You Need for Your Cat
Cats have it pretty good. They get to lay around, sleep and eat all day, while being the rock stars of the Internet. And if you weren’t jealous of them already, prepare to lay your eyes on the humorous Super Mario inspired cat climber that will make any neighborhood cat into a super hero. Gone… Continue reading The ‘Super Mario’ Inspired Climbing Box You Need for Your Cat
The 10 Best Amazon Delivery Drone Parodies
By now you’ve probably heard about Amazon’s bold new delivery service powered by drones. It didn’t take long for skeptics to point out potential flaws in Amazon’s idea from security issues to safety hazards to privacy concerns and more. Quickly, new competitor services were born, most notably a team of adorable OWLS to deliver books.… Continue reading The 10 Best Amazon Delivery Drone Parodies
Instagram For Cats
What would you expect to see on your cat‘s Instagram page? Comic by Wrong Hands
Caturday: 12 Entertaining Cats on the Move
The first Saturday of November, and our lovable cats are up to their usual antics. Down Goes Frazier, Down Goes Frazier Corn On The Cat Hang Ten Dude Hey, That Wasn’t Cool I Think That Banana Peel Just Moved I’m Going To Kick My Ass Laundry Catching No… Continue reading Caturday: 12 Entertaining Cats on the Move