The Problem with Hashtags, Selfies and Instagram Filters [COMIC]

Do you have any friends who can no longer speak without hashtags? It’s as if they are so terrified to miss out on anything, that all their communications must be properly tagged and indexed, making it available for all the world to see. What about Instagram filter and selfie-obsessed friends? These people can only communicate… Continue reading The Problem with Hashtags, Selfies and Instagram Filters [COMIC]

Water Is Life: The ‘Drinkable Book’ that Decontaminates Water

Did you know that 3.4 million people die each year because of a water-related disease? Science has shown us that without water, there can’t be life. Despite this, so much of the water on our planet is contaminated without people knowing it. To combat this, scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Virginia… Continue reading Water Is Life: The ‘Drinkable Book’ that Decontaminates Water