Do You Still Have These Photos on Your Phone?

Goofy selfies. A picture of a sunrise confirming you were actually awake that early. Photos of your meal. Identical galleries of cloud porn. No, this isn’t your Facebook feed, this is the graveyard of photos buried in your phone! These pics have already been shared or were too embarrassing to post. Either way, these pictures… Continue reading Do You Still Have These Photos on Your Phone?

What if Our Favorite Things and Animals Could Talk?

Imagine if you could have a talk with your morning cup of coffee? Or could tell your pet how much you really love them? What do you think our favorite pets and things would have to say back to us? That’s exactly what graphic designer David Olenick has depicted in this series of humorous illustrations… Continue reading What if Our Favorite Things and Animals Could Talk?

What if Social Network 404 ‘Page Not Found’ Errors Told the Truth?

As high traffic sites that constantly get overloaded, social networks often experience quite a bit of downtime, potentially leading to famous 404 “page not found” errors like the Twitter fail whale. But sometimes the error isn’t caused by the actual site, it’s caused by you! So the next time you catch an error scrolling through… Continue reading What if Social Network 404 ‘Page Not Found’ Errors Told the Truth?

Cat Lady Dreams vs. Cat Dreams [COMIC]

Are you crazy about cats? Do you dream of stuffing them in boxes and hugging them to death all day? Well, when it comes to our relationship with cats, there may be a larger disconnect than you think. There are actually many cats that appear to be pretty grumpy these days . Sure lots of… Continue reading Cat Lady Dreams vs. Cat Dreams [COMIC]

You Are The Social Media You’re Using [COMIC]

Since each social network is unique in its design and its features, each tends to attract a certain type of user. Taking this idea a step further, you are the social media you’re using. It’s sort of like food: you eventually become what you put in your mouth and swallow. So whether you like to… Continue reading You Are The Social Media You’re Using [COMIC]