11 Illustrations of Pop Culture Characters Simpsonized

When it comes to The Simpsons cartoons, there may be no bigger fan than illustrator and art director Adrien Noterdaem. Noterdaem has quite the flair for drawing “simpsonized” renderings of pop culture figures, including the casts of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, Steven Spielberg, Don Draper from Mad Men, the Big Lebowski, and even the musical group… Continue reading 11 Illustrations of Pop Culture Characters Simpsonized

How Many Followers do You Really Have on Twitter?

Lots of jokes have surfaced recently suggesting that most followers on Twitter are either fake, robots, spammers or some other entity which doesn’t actually read anybody’s tweets. Is this really true? Maybe, because Twitter has taken a step to try and bring more authenticity back to the art of the follow: it banned any auto-following… Continue reading How Many Followers do You Really Have on Twitter?

Why You Should Never Judge an Agency Just by its Website

Despite anonymity becoming a thing of the past on the Internet these days as far as prying government eyes are concerned, it’s still relatively easy to hide your true credentials from other regular citizens of the interweb. Regardless though, first impressions matter, even if you don’t know who is truly behind a given online operation.… Continue reading Why You Should Never Judge an Agency Just by its Website

10 Ways to be Socially Awkward Dating Online [COMIC]

Did you know that 35% of recently married couples happened to meet online? The supporting study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that in an increasingly connected and smaller world, more and more people are searching the web these days for their soulmate. But what are people really looking for… Continue reading 10 Ways to be Socially Awkward Dating Online [COMIC]

NSA Independance Day [COMIC]

It’s clear that Americans have become fed up with the NSA and other government programs spying on all of their phone calls, emails and other internet activity. ‘Restore the Fourth’ rallies are gathering in 50 cities nationwide this July 4th to protest these unconventional surveillance tactics that appear to violate not only our privacy, but… Continue reading NSA Independance Day [COMIC]

How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

Sites like Facebook have become a haven for prying eyes ranging from profile stalkers to government officials like the NSA. You never know who is watching these days. Is there even such a thing as privacy on social media anymore? Well, take charge of your Facebook account today with four easy steps toward seizing back… Continue reading How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

The Anatomy of Most Articles on the Web

The state of blogging on the web has come to a tragic crossroad. Our feeds are exploding with more and more content, including over 40 million new Tumblr posts and 500,000 WordPress posts each day. Do you realize that 90% of all the information that exists today was created in the last two years? That’s a… Continue reading The Anatomy of Most Articles on the Web