The state of blogging on the web has come to a tragic crossroad. Our feeds are exploding with more and more content, including over 40 million new Tumblr posts and 500,000 WordPress posts each day. Do you realize that 90% of all the information that exists today was created in the last two years? That’s a lot to take in considering that 90% of most articles spewed out tend to be superfluous, intentionally deceptive, or better known as bullshit.
The hustle usually starts with a misleading or sensational title solely designed to attract as many clicks as possible. Next comes 300+ clumsy words thrown together littered with out-of-place SEO keywords and a bunch of distracting advertisements. By the time you get to the comments section, if there even is one, you have to sift through a pile of poor grammar, incorrectly interpreted responses, and even potential name-calling that makes you rethink adding your two cents; you decide not to associate further with the given collection of characters. At this point you’d gladly take any opportunity to leave the site, even clicking one of the display ads. That’s right: the same ads that seemed over the top and annoying when you first opened the page now represent your only exit strategy, making the con job complete.
via doghousediaries
We at DashBurst are on a quest to bring death to all the bullshit that stinks up the web. If need be, we will do so one article at a time. We will be concise. We will respect people’s time and furthermore, our own. Join us in our mission?
Wonderful analysis
Sums it up quite well. I wish I could ‘share’ this article.
Nice work Daniel 🙂
lol! Yup.
Seems pretty darn accurate to me 😛
Yea seems like most blogger have build they blog only for the adsence ads. Really ugly are this who are placed in the content.
But as long as people are clicking on them….
Daniel Zeevi, next should be a study on BS comments…
Hilarious! Why do you read those? There’s enough better content; you can just ignore the vitriol and schadenfreude. (lol)