Why You Should Never Judge an Agency Just by its Website

Despite anonymity becoming a thing of the past on the Internet these days as far as prying government eyes are concerned, it’s still relatively easy to hide your true credentials from other regular citizens of the interweb. Regardless though, first impressions matter, even if you don’t know who is truly behind a given online operation.… Continue reading Why You Should Never Judge an Agency Just by its Website

WARNING: Do Not Respond To Messages On Facebook From Mark Zuckerberg

The CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, is probably never going to send you a personal message. But this hasn’t stopped some hoaxters from putting together a new phishing scheme that tries to bait people into clicking on malicious links sent via messages to their Facebook inboxes allegedly from Facebook’s head honcho Zuckerberg. According to a… Continue reading WARNING: Do Not Respond To Messages On Facebook From Mark Zuckerberg