What If You Could See Wi-Fi?

Who doesn’t love some wireless internet? Although we often use it, we rarely consider how it really works. “We use Wi-Fi so many times a day but don’t really know how it works or the complexity of the technology,” says artist Nickolay Lamm. To help put Wi-Fi, this invisible thing we use everyday, into perspective,… Continue reading What If You Could See Wi-Fi?

How Many Times Will You See Your Parents Before They Die? There’s an App for That

There’s a new Web app causing some uncomfortable seat squirming this week. SeeYourFolks.com is a website that will calculate the number of times you’ll see your parents before they pass away. The site is a bit morbid, to say the least, but it’s also an eye-opener into the mortality of our lives. When you enter SeeYourFolks.com, the… Continue reading How Many Times Will You See Your Parents Before They Die? There’s an App for That

How 7 Forward-Thinking Brands Are Engaging with Customers on Vine

While social networks can be great places to engage customers, many brands still haven’t found their footing on Facebook, Twitter, and the like. Producing meaningful content that customers want to share poses a perennial problem. What’s more, the social networks aren’t waiting for any brand to catch up. Just take Vine, Twitter’s new six-second video… Continue reading How 7 Forward-Thinking Brands Are Engaging with Customers on Vine

18 ‘Famous Footwear’ Illustrations Test: How Well Do You Know Your Pop Culture?

They say you can’t really know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Of course, that walk isn’t always possible. Enter art director and multimedia designer Federico Mauro, who hopes to help us identify with some of our favorite pop culture figures based on—you guessed it—their shoes. Using a lifelike yet minimalist… Continue reading 18 ‘Famous Footwear’ Illustrations Test: How Well Do You Know Your Pop Culture?

Your Pass to Comic-Con 2013 in Photos and Videos: See all the Costumes, Chaos and Culture

Started in 1970, San Diego Comic-Con has since exploded into a monster pop culture art festival, attracting more than 130,000 visitors and the attention of Hollywood studios, publishers and retailers alike. You can find everything from giant Super Mario statues, to your favorite Batman characters, life-like Lord of the Ring outfits, and every other costume… Continue reading Your Pass to Comic-Con 2013 in Photos and Videos: See all the Costumes, Chaos and Culture

The Evolution of Vine Art as Told Through 11 Hunger-Inducing Videos

When Vine launched its 6-second video service in January, users began uploading amusing videos, but nothing too fancy. Then, as Vine added features, more professional artists began adopting the service. One of the most common themes among the new videos? Food. Through the 11 food-related pieces below, witness the evolution of Vine from a place… Continue reading The Evolution of Vine Art as Told Through 11 Hunger-Inducing Videos

15 Thought-Provoking and Mind-Bending Artworks

Daniel Stolle is a creative and very talented artist based out of Finland. Since starting out in illustration back in 2007, Daniel has worked mainly in editorial drawings, also doing artwork for book covers, stamps and animated films. He has contributed some amazing images to the likes of Boston Magazine, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Fortune, Harvard… Continue reading 15 Thought-Provoking and Mind-Bending Artworks

Cat Lady Dreams vs. Cat Dreams [COMIC]

Are you crazy about cats? Do you dream of stuffing them in boxes and hugging them to death all day? Well, when it comes to our relationship with cats, there may be a larger disconnect than you think. There are actually many cats that appear to be pretty grumpy these days . Sure lots of… Continue reading Cat Lady Dreams vs. Cat Dreams [COMIC]