The Art of Optical Illusion: When Two Paintings Merge into One

Throughout the ages, artwork has often been known to take on dual realities or multiple meanings, but these paintings by Oleg Shuplyak take that notion to a whole new level. At first glance, these paintings seem like normal landscapes. Suddenly, though, famous faces will jump out at you from the background of each painting. Or,… Continue reading The Art of Optical Illusion: When Two Paintings Merge into One

17 Iconic First Issue Covers of Famous Magazines

Do you remember when you could get a copy of Time magazine for only 15 cents? You probably don’t because that was nearly 100 years ago. Some of the magazines we read each day have been around for decades. As these magazines grow, they update their cover look and feel to move with the times. Can you… Continue reading 17 Iconic First Issue Covers of Famous Magazines

18 ‘Famous Footwear’ Illustrations Test: How Well Do You Know Your Pop Culture?

They say you can’t really know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Of course, that walk isn’t always possible. Enter art director and multimedia designer Federico Mauro, who hopes to help us identify with some of our favorite pop culture figures based on—you guessed it—their shoes. Using a lifelike yet minimalist… Continue reading 18 ‘Famous Footwear’ Illustrations Test: How Well Do You Know Your Pop Culture?