This Movie Shot Entirely on iPhones Is Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

On January 24, 1984, Apple released a product that would change the way we thought about the personal computer. The original launch of the Macintosh was heralded by an intriguing ad during Super Bowl XVIII that embodies the same surprise factor Apple runs on today. Now, decades later, Apple celebrates Mac’s 30th anniversary not through… Continue reading This Movie Shot Entirely on iPhones Is Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

Apple’s 30th Mac Birthday Bash

Do you use a Mac? Can you believe it’s already been 30 years since Apple’s first Mac computer was released? There are a number of things Apple could do with its 150 some billion in profit to celebrate, like give employees a few bonuses, stock redistributions, or even actually pay people livable wages in China.… Continue reading Apple’s 30th Mac Birthday Bash

Apple, Samsung Reportedly Resume Patent Talks

Apple and Samsung have resumed negotiations to resolve patent infringement disputes that have raged on for the past two years, according to the Korea Times. “As far as I know, the companies recently resumed working-level discussions toward the signing of a potential deal. They are in the process of narrowing differences over royalty payments,” the… Continue reading Apple, Samsung Reportedly Resume Patent Talks

What Tech CEO’s Wish For

As the holiday season approaches, there is much to be wishful for. And just because the CEO’s of most major tech companies are rich doesn’t mean they have everything in life. Take, for example, Mark Zuckerberg, who is praying that teenagers will think Facebook is cool again. Or Twitter’s Dick Costolo, who is hoping investors… Continue reading What Tech CEO’s Wish For

What’s the Real Reason Apple’s OS X Mavericks Is Free?

Every action has a cause, and like Isaac Newton said “an equal and opposite reaction.” So what really caused Apple to give away Mavericks for free – a major portion of its income? Is Apple’s CEO Time Cook looking to drive investor Carl Icahn to an early grave? Or has Siri gone sweet on the… Continue reading What’s the Real Reason Apple’s OS X Mavericks Is Free?

Apple iOS 7 Statistics [COMIC]

Did you know that Apple’s new iOS 7 is on 18% of all iOS devices already just 24 hours after its release? However, the demand on Apple’s servers caused many frustrated users to experience slow download times or even errors trying to grab the latest update. In fact, an estimated one billion swear words were… Continue reading Apple iOS 7 Statistics [COMIC]