Reddit Rallies to Restore Your Privacy Rights on July 4th #restorethefourth

Restore the Fourth is a non-partisan, non-violent protest gathering nationwide on July 4th to raise awareness about unconstitutional surveillance methods that are currently being employed by the U.S. Government. What started out as a grassroots movement 24 days ago on Reddit, has turned into a full-blown demand by Reddit and the rest of the community… Continue reading Reddit Rallies to Restore Your Privacy Rights on July 4th #restorethefourth

How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

Sites like Facebook have become a haven for prying eyes ranging from profile stalkers to government officials like the NSA. You never know who is watching these days. Is there even such a thing as privacy on social media anymore? Well, take charge of your Facebook account today with four easy steps toward seizing back… Continue reading How to Control Your Privacy on Facebook [COMIC]

3 Online Privacy Concerns You Should be Worried About

With the rise of social media, privacy concerns have taken a backseat in recent years. But nowadays, more people are catching on to how accessible they truly want to be to the outside world. And it’s even starting to become a pressing issue with users and big-name social media sites alike.

An Unknown Corporation Has Been Collecting Information About You – Soon You’ll See What They Know

There is a giant corporation you’ve probably never heard of that’s been collecting your personal information for years. And it has nothing to do with Prism. In fact, your call logs and social media history, information allegedly collected by Prism, is chump change compared to the data this corporation has stored about you – legally. This… Continue reading An Unknown Corporation Has Been Collecting Information About You – Soon You’ll See What They Know

Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]

Back in the day nobody on the Internet knew who you really were, you could browse the web anonymously doing and saying as you pleased, but today privacy on the web has changed.   Now, the government taps into your phone, Facebook and Google accounts before investigators even pour the first round of coffee!  … Continue reading Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]

Google’s CEO Fires Back Against User Data Collusion Rumors with the Government

Rumors have been circulating which have alleged that Google, amongst other major Internet companies, have joined a secret U.S. government program called PRISM, that gives the National Security Agency (NSA) direct access to their servers. While your privacy may be an afterthought on the web these days, Google is denying giving Big Brother any special… Continue reading Google’s CEO Fires Back Against User Data Collusion Rumors with the Government

Social Media vs. Privacy [COMIC]

via joyoftech A lot of fuss has been made recently over the fact that the NSA has been collecting your phone records from Verizon and other telecommunications companies. Wake up: they’ve been watching you for a long time! But why are you pretending like you really care about your privacy? And, if you do actually… Continue reading Social Media vs. Privacy [COMIC]