There has been no shortage of government surveillance news this year. Oh, how the tables have turned with all eyes now on the NSA. Today Google has updated its Transparency Report for the eighth time showing that since the first time it reported these figures in 2010, government requests for user information have increased by… Continue reading Government Requests for User Data Doubles Over Three Years
Tag: big brother
Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]
Back in the day nobody on the Internet knew who you really were, you could browse the web anonymously doing and saying as you pleased, but today privacy on the web has changed. Now, the government taps into your phone, Facebook and Google accounts before investigators even pour the first round of coffee! … Continue reading Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]
The Eye in the Sky: Why the NSA Needs Facebook and Google
It turns out when it comes to snooping on the affairs of citizens’ in the digital era, Big Brother is just an amateur compared to his Facebook and Google brethren. Sure the NSA has been collecting the phone records of millions of Verizon customers and can tap into pretty much anything they’d like to. But… Continue reading The Eye in the Sky: Why the NSA Needs Facebook and Google
Google’s CEO Fires Back Against User Data Collusion Rumors with the Government
Rumors have been circulating which have alleged that Google, amongst other major Internet companies, have joined a secret U.S. government program called PRISM, that gives the National Security Agency (NSA) direct access to their servers. While your privacy may be an afterthought on the web these days, Google is denying giving Big Brother any special… Continue reading Google’s CEO Fires Back Against User Data Collusion Rumors with the Government