It’s Official: Satya Nadella Named Microsoft’s New CEO, Gates Leaves Chairman Position to Become Technology Advisor

Times are changing for Microsoft, big time. Microsoft has officially selected Satya Nadella to replace Steve Ballmer as its next CEO and removed Bill Gates from the chairman position, as expected.   Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s New CEO Nadella has been part of Microsoft since 1992, serving as the former executive vice president of Microsoft’s Cloud… Continue reading It’s Official: Satya Nadella Named Microsoft’s New CEO, Gates Leaves Chairman Position to Become Technology Advisor

This Movie Shot Entirely on iPhones Is Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

On January 24, 1984, Apple released a product that would change the way we thought about the personal computer. The original launch of the Macintosh was heralded by an intriguing ad during Super Bowl XVIII that embodies the same surprise factor Apple runs on today. Now, decades later, Apple celebrates Mac’s 30th anniversary not through… Continue reading This Movie Shot Entirely on iPhones Is Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

Microsoft’s Next CEO and Potential Future Without Bill Gates as Chairman

Is Microsoft’s five-month long search for a new chief executive officer finally over? According to a report out of Bloomberg, yes. Microsoft is ready to name Satya Nadella as the company’s next CEO and enterprise cloud chief to replace the departing Steve Ballmer. You may be surprised to hear that Microsoft’s board is also considering… Continue reading Microsoft’s Next CEO and Potential Future Without Bill Gates as Chairman

Microsoft Needs to Prepare for the Post-PC World

2013 was not a good year for the Windows PC. The growing popularity of tablets and smartphones are cutting into desktop and laptop sales. Of the laptops that are being sold, non-Windows laptops make up more than a third of all sales according to Forbes. The release of Windows 8 in late 2012 put only… Continue reading Microsoft Needs to Prepare for the Post-PC World

Who Received the Most Patents in 2013?

While there were many inventions of note in 2013, like being able to charge your cellphone with coffee and better detection of and quicker treatments for cancer, who actually received the most patents? It appears IBM led all U.S. companies last year with 6,809 patents awarded in 2013. That’s an average rate of almost 19… Continue reading Who Received the Most Patents in 2013?

Google Announces Smart Contact Lens Project

They say eyes are the windows to the soul – but what about windows to your health? Researchers at Google’s secret research facility Google X are currently looking at tears – and a smart contact lens that can analyze them – as a way to improve the lifestyle of people affected by diabetes. Led by… Continue reading Google Announces Smart Contact Lens Project

Intel to Start Building Dual Android and Windows Powered Devices

At the 2014 International CES tech conference in Las Vegas, chip maker Intel released some monumental news to the computer world. The CEO of Intel, Brian Krzanich, announced the company will start to manufacture dual operating system computers that offer the best of both geek worlds powered by Google’s Android operating system and Microsoft’s Windows!… Continue reading Intel to Start Building Dual Android and Windows Powered Devices

Tech Predictions for 2014 [COMIC]

If you could rub on a crystal ball, what would you see for the future of technology in 2014? Will Microsoft’s new tablet tiles become a factor? Will Elon Musk finally travel to Mars? What about all of our data now publicly available on the cloud? Will we eventually be able to access all of… Continue reading Tech Predictions for 2014 [COMIC]