Apple Gets Greener, Uses Renewable Power In More Company Facilities

Early in April 2014, in its annual green practices report, Greenpeace concluded that Apple was the most improved company in terms of using and promoting green internet practices. So in honor of Earth Day, Apple announced today that it is continuing strong on this path to reduce its impact on the environment by expanding its… Continue reading Apple Gets Greener, Uses Renewable Power In More Company Facilities

This Kickstarter Project Could Be the Solution to Overheated Apartments and Excessive Pollution

If you live in an apartment building with steam heat, you’ve probably spent your winter sweating away while your radiator turned your place into a tropical paradise. But with a new internet-connected product currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, your days of uncontrolled heat might be over. A radiator without a Cozy cover (left) and a radiator… Continue reading This Kickstarter Project Could Be the Solution to Overheated Apartments and Excessive Pollution

Does the Super Bowl Actually Help the Environment?

Almost everyone loves the Super Bowl, whether they’re rooting for one of the teams or just watching for the commercials. But who knew there was a deeper, greener upside to the big game? According to recent research by energy consulting firm Opower, football fans actually do less damage to the environment when they watch the… Continue reading Does the Super Bowl Actually Help the Environment?

These Tiny Windmills Could Soon Power Your Portable Devices

Windmills are considered a clean and safe alternative energy source, but they’re pretty big and could never fit onto something as small as your cellphone, right? Well, researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) have created and tested a micro-windmill apparatus that can harness wind energy in places that aren’t suitable for larger… Continue reading These Tiny Windmills Could Soon Power Your Portable Devices

Going Green: German City Announces Bold 20-Year Plan to Go Car-Free

Could you imagine living in a city with no cars? That is exactly what Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, has envisioned will take place in 20 years! The Hamburg Green Network plan is to connect the entire city and suburbs through green pedestrian and bicycle routes to eliminate the need for polluting automobiles. This… Continue reading Going Green: German City Announces Bold 20-Year Plan to Go Car-Free

The After Christmas Party: Photos of Discarded Trees Still Lit Up

Every year millions of people around the world celebrate Christmas and like to decorate the symbolic tree with neat lights and ornaments. But what happens after the Christmas party is over? It turns out in many cases the party lives on vicariously through the lights still on the tree that can often continue to shine… Continue reading The After Christmas Party: Photos of Discarded Trees Still Lit Up

Scientists Discover Breakthrough that Efficiently Turns Algae into Crude Oil

We all know the future of energy is in green technologies, but which ones will emerge? Good news, citizens of the earth, we may just have that answer. In a recent scientific breakthrough, engineers at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have stumbled upon a way to turn algae into bio-crude oil in… Continue reading Scientists Discover Breakthrough that Efficiently Turns Algae into Crude Oil

See How the World’s Forests Have Changed Over Time With the First Detailed Global Deforestation Maps

Using images from the NASA/U.S. Geological Survey Landsat 7 satellite, researchers from the University of Maryland and Google were able to map how the world’s forests have changed since 2000. The enormous computing feat produced the world’s first highly zoomable global deforestation map, enabling us to see where deforestation is taking place at the fastest… Continue reading See How the World’s Forests Have Changed Over Time With the First Detailed Global Deforestation Maps