Tumblr Touts 100 Million Blogs Created With a Historical Timeline [GIF]

Congratulations to Tumblr, who has just announced it is 100 million blogs strong as of today! Tumblr is a social network and free blog hosting platform with a ton of options for customizable templates, bookmarklets, mobile apps, sharing photos, videos and other media. The first Tumblr blog was created in 2007 and the site has… Continue reading Tumblr Touts 100 Million Blogs Created With a Historical Timeline [GIF]

Klout Adds Bing and Instagram Data to Your Score

Klout is taking a huge step to make its influence score more meaningful by announcing Bing and Instagram data has been added to its analytics today. Bing becomes a Klout network Klout announced a partnership with Bing last Fall, and today this relationship has come to full fruition as Bing data will be integrated into… Continue reading Klout Adds Bing and Instagram Data to Your Score

Flipboard Reaches 50M Readers, Releases New Bookmarklet and Lets You Create Your Own Magazines

Flipboard is your personal magazine filled with the things that you care about most. You can find everything from world news to music to inspiring stories, all in one place. Now you can create your own magazine on Flipboard too! Save anything from the web – including articles, photos, audio and more – into your… Continue reading Flipboard Reaches 50M Readers, Releases New Bookmarklet and Lets You Create Your Own Magazines

ALERT: Will Your Blog Get Burned When Google Shuts Down Feedburner?

By now you’ve heard of the imminent demise of Google Reader. But how long do you have until Google shuts down Feedburner? How devastating would that be to your blog? Here we offer answers and evaluate alternatives to Feedburner. Rumors have floated around forever that Feedburner will get axed at some point! Google has already… Continue reading ALERT: Will Your Blog Get Burned When Google Shuts Down Feedburner?

How to Become Influential Online

The Truth About Social Media Influence Before social media became so prevalent, a person could keep his online and offline lives separate. But not any more.  Today what you do on your social networks—the  kind of content you dish out, the type of people who respond to it—spills out into your offline life. Because you… Continue reading How to Become Influential Online

11 Things You Need to Immediately Stop Doing on Facebook

Are you getting tired of Facebook or some of the behavior of your friends on the site? Facebook is the most popular social network with over 1 billion active users. And with great popularity comes some shameful characters looking to tap into Facebook’s viral market to sell you their crappy products or scheme your money… Continue reading 11 Things You Need to Immediately Stop Doing on Facebook

How to Transition From Google Reader to Feedly [Plus Other RSS Reader Alternatives]

Google caused quite the uproar yesterday when they announced Google Reader will be shut down in the beginning of July. If you’re a content curator or just an avid Reader fan, this could pose a really big blow to your productivity and the discovery system you’ve spent all that time constructing. So what is the… Continue reading How to Transition From Google Reader to Feedly [Plus Other RSS Reader Alternatives]

HOW-TO: Write Articles That Go Viral On Social Media [10 Tips]

What does it take for something to go viral? Have you ever written an article that got a ton of shares on social media sites? If you haven’t, you’re going to learn 10 tips for writing content that will increase the likelihood of your posts going viral on social media. If you have, you’ll be… Continue reading HOW-TO: Write Articles That Go Viral On Social Media [10 Tips]