Klout is taking a huge step to make its influence score more meaningful by announcing Bing and Instagram data has been added to its analytics today.
Bing becomes a Klout network
Klout announced a partnership with Bing last Fall, and today this relationship has come to full fruition as Bing data will be integrated into Klout’s algorithm. Bing search results will eventually factor into each user’s Klout score.
Go here to connect your Klout account to Bing. Klout also went on to say about Bing:
We’re also very excited about some additional ways that Bing is surfacing Klout information. Bing is now displaying Klout Scores for high-profile professionals and socially active influencers right in Bing search results. At a glance, it is easy to see an influencer’s Klout Score and expertise without having to click any further.
Instagram and Klout
Instagram is an extremely popular social network that generates some of the most beautiful and engaging content on the web. Starting now, all of your Instagram activities will be part of your Klout score, and your most popular photos will appear in your Klout moments. If you haven’t connected your Instagram account to Klout yet, you can do so here.
How Instagram Will Impact Your Klout Score
Klout designed the Klout score so that the addition of any new network can only increase your score, never decreasing it. So you should go ahead and add as many of your networks as you can! Users with little Instagram activity won’t see much of a change, but Instagram power users can expect their scores to rise.
The following chart shows how the changes in Klout score distribution for users who have already added Instagram to their Klout networks. More than 10% of Klout users who have Instagram connected will see their scores increase into the 50-70 score range.
So who should expect to see a score change? Over 77% of users who connected their Instagram accounts will see a score increase between 1 to 5 points! And 16% will see a score increase of more than 5 points!
Actions on Instagram
Klout measures influence on Instagram by analyzing social actions and engagement like number of followers and the amount of likes and comments on your posts. More details about how each signal is incorporated into your Klout score can be found here. Also check out your score summary on your dashboard for detailed Instagram statistics and to get a better idea of how Instagram will affect your Klout score.
Instagram and Klout Moments
Klout moments help you take a look at the Instagram photos that resonated most with your followers!
These changes should be welcome news to Instagram users. What do you think about the new Klout score?
Cool, Daniel. Thanks for sharing this information!
Thanks Terri, glad this could be of use!
Enjoyed it! Thanks