Enjoying a Moment: Then Vs. Now [COMIC]

When was the last time you enjoyed seeing the beauty of a fiery sunset reflected in the open water? That is, when was the last time you felt in awe of nature and didn’t also feel the need to post a photo of the scene on Instagram and/or Facebook? Comic by Truth Facts

How You Spend Your Time on Facebook [CHART]

Did you know the average user spends 40 minutes per day on Facebook? While much of that time is spent trying to adjust your Facebook privacy settings and avoiding ads in your news feed, the rest of it is usually spent frolicking on Facebook. From stalking exes to searching for old friends to make sure… Continue reading How You Spend Your Time on Facebook [CHART]

World Cup Final Breaks Facebook and Twitter Records [STATS]

While Germany was the victor in the World Cup tournament, the 2014 World Cup finals match won on social media. The final game of the 2014 FIFA Event generated more conversation on both Facebook and Twitter than any other sporting event before. Facebook’s data team determined that the Germany vs. Argentina game was the biggest… Continue reading World Cup Final Breaks Facebook and Twitter Records [STATS]

Dear FCC Site Lets You Make a Public Comment to Fight for Net Neutrality

Are you a fan of the Internet? As of today, the web you know and love is under threat of new Federal Communications Commission regulation that could allow internet service providers to become paid gatekeepers of the web. These ISPs would be able to make special deals with companies that can afford to “pay to… Continue reading Dear FCC Site Lets You Make a Public Comment to Fight for Net Neutrality

How Do Facebook Users Across the Globe Express “Soccer” and “Goal”? [MAP]

In the world of the World Cup, soccer fans and sportscasters yelling “goal” is no strange thing. But does “goal” make sense in the world’s many languages? A data analytics team from AllFacebook took a look at the social network to determine how users across the globe express the words “soccer” and “goal” on Facebook.… Continue reading How Do Facebook Users Across the Globe Express “Soccer” and “Goal”? [MAP]

Best to Engage People on Facebook with Video and Images, on Fridays [STATS]

How and when is it best to engage people on Facebook? According to the “Q1 Social Intel­li­gence Report,” released this month by Adobe, images and videos are the most engaging types of Facebook posts that brands can share, and it’s best to share them on Friday. Video posts have actually become more engaging, up from… Continue reading Best to Engage People on Facebook with Video and Images, on Fridays [STATS]

The Best and Worst Social Media Habits of High Schoolers [CHARTS]

Young people are all about new technology, from apps to social media to online messengers – the list goes on. Niche, a company that provides reviews and insight to help people choose places to live and schools to attend, conducted a study to find out what technology teens are using most. The study surveyed 7,000… Continue reading The Best and Worst Social Media Habits of High Schoolers [CHARTS]