5 Rules to Follow for Instagram Newbies

Are you more concerned by how your food looks than how your food tastes? If so, you may be addicted to Instagram. For those of you new to the site, there are a few rules of the trade you should follow. First, never spare on #hashtags. In fact, the more hashtags you use on Instagram, the merrier! Next, don’t… Continue reading 5 Rules to Follow for Instagram Newbies

Sayings 2.0

Savvy web users know better than to judge an app by its icon. Nor is any web service truly free. In the age of “like my page, and I’ll like yours,” what else can you count on people saying on the Web 2.0? You know what they say, never bite the hand that provides feeds… Continue reading Sayings 2.0

Chromedictable: Google Chrome has Crashed [COMIC]

Many of us use Google Chrome for our Internet browsing, yet it isn’t always perfect. Sometimes you open a YouTube video and it starts acting funny, or you go to a webpage that just doesn’t want to load. And, despite our continuing quest to cure the Too Many Tabs syndrome plaguing millions of users, too… Continue reading Chromedictable: Google Chrome has Crashed [COMIC]

The State of Apple [COMIC]

Sure, a number of “Apple is doomed” stories have surfaced recently, but it can be hard to tell sensational journalism apart from accurate critical commentary. So what is the real status of the tech giant? While Apple iOS appears to be losing market share to Android, Apple execs can still enjoy a few laughs at… Continue reading The State of Apple [COMIC]

Why You Should Get Rid of the Internet [COMIC]

You use the internet to accomplish almost every task of your daily life, and then some. Have a question for your boss? You write an email. Want to make your friends jealous of your prix fixe meal at Restaurant Week? You post a couple pics to Instagram. That’s all fine and good, but in certain circumstances you wish you could escape the internet’s wrath. Like when you’re on vacation and you receive an “urgent” email from your boss. Once you see the message the assignment will haunt you, making you wish your smartphone would magically drown itself in the ocean and leave you to enjoy the Bahamas with no responsibilities to the Real World. Somehow the internet has permeated every part of your life and, when you think back to life before “.com” you realize it may be more of a curse than a blessing. Is it time you rid yourself of the internet?

The Price of Being a Superhero: Then and Now

Have you dreamed about being a superhero as a child? By the time you get older though those dreams eventually fade away either because you don’t actually have any real superpowers or can’t afford your own Batmobile or any other of the latest superhero gadgets. See being a superhero, or villain for that matter, isn’t… Continue reading The Price of Being a Superhero: Then and Now