The Price of Being a Superhero: Then and Now

price of batman

Have you dreamed about being a superhero as a child? By the time you get older though those dreams eventually fade away either because you don’t actually have any real superpowers or can’t afford your own Batmobile or any other of the latest superhero gadgets. See being a superhero, or villain for that matter, isn’t cheap these days!

How much would it really cost you to be Batman in real-life?
price of batman
These infographics by Emil Lendoff, show you the costs of being some of our favorite superheroes like Spider-Man, the Hulk, Superman, Wolvernine and more. The neat thing is each graphic illustrates the cost back when the superhero (or comic) first appeared to the world compared to the costs now! Fortunately for Bruce Wayne, he can afford a 13,000 times increase in operating expenses.

price of hulk

price of superman

price of spider-man

price of wolverine

Daniel Zeevi

By Daniel Zeevi

Daniel is a social network architect, web developer, infographic designer, writer, speaker and founder of DashBurst. Full-time futurist and part-time content curator, always on the hunt for disruptive new technology, creative art and web humor.

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