What’s Your Facebook Nightmare?

Have you ever shared something to Facebook by accident? The funny scenario depicted in this comic has become a real fear for many Facebook users. I feel like every time I open a music app like Spotify, the app is doing its best to trick me into posting all my activity to Facebook. Although I… Continue reading What’s Your Facebook Nightmare?

Never Give Up on What You Love

Are you an aspiring artist or writer? No matter what you’d love to do in life, getting started is never easy! “Art” by *SOLAR-CiTRUS was created in response to something that had been bothering the artist for a few years: Every time I encounter someone who’s just started as an artist, they put themselves down… Continue reading Never Give Up on What You Love

The Breaking Bad Finale Survival Kit

Are you prepared for the finale of Breaking Bad? Don’t worry though nerds, Game of Thrones starts in only 231 days, plus 20 hours and 58 minutes! But in case you do miss the last episode, and don’t want all your pals ruining it for you on Twitter the next day, make sure to check… Continue reading The Breaking Bad Finale Survival Kit

The Story Behind John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ [COMIC]

Of all the songs in the world promoting peace, few will ever be accepted into the public’s hearts as readily as John Lennon’s “Imagine.” In a tribute to the song, comic artist Pablo Stanley created a lighthearted comic illustrating what would really happen if there were “no heaven, no hell below us, only sky.” For… Continue reading The Story Behind John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ [COMIC]

Apple iOS 7 Statistics [COMIC]

Did you know that Apple’s new iOS 7 is on 18% of all iOS devices already just 24 hours after its release? However, the demand on Apple’s servers caused many frustrated users to experience slow download times or even errors trying to grab the latest update. In fact, an estimated one billion swear words were… Continue reading Apple iOS 7 Statistics [COMIC]

The Field Guide to Procrastination

Do you often find yourself stuck doing actual work instead of enjoying the finer things in life? Fear no more, busy bees, for here lies the ultimate guide to procrastination! There are many ways to sidestep our daily duties in life, but a good old nap or quick snack will often do the trick. And… Continue reading The Field Guide to Procrastination

Thanks, But No Thanks: The Vicious Cycle of Social Media Reciprocation

Are your social media feeds starting to sound like a broken record to you? You’re not alone. Part of the problem with social media is the constant need people feel to reciprocate and thank others for every exchange. It’s not anyone’s fault, really, as our society encourages this reaction from us while growing up. Remember… Continue reading Thanks, But No Thanks: The Vicious Cycle of Social Media Reciprocation