Work Wankers: 10 Funny Nicknames and Illustrations of Your Office Colleagues

Got a case of the Mondays? Working can be pretty stressful, and who you work with can have a huge impact on your success and happiness at the office each day. While many of your colleagues will prove to be a helpful “pair of hands,” now and then others will end up being “moochie” or,… Continue reading Work Wankers: 10 Funny Nicknames and Illustrations of Your Office Colleagues

How Long Does It Take for a New Song to Become a Classic?

Do you think new music is getting better or worse than the creative songs of our past? Often times new friendly and catchy tunes instantly appeal to our senses, yet get on our nerves after excessive play. When this happens, we “wish we were” still living back in the day, listening to classics from musical… Continue reading How Long Does It Take for a New Song to Become a Classic?

What Does It Mean to Be Poor in America?

Did you know that since the Great Recession began that 95% of the income growth has went to the top 1%? The rich just keep on getting richer. Yet the recession itself was caused by an economic meltdown orchestrated by a few of the 1% that controls Wall Street. In 2011, roughly 15% or 46.5… Continue reading What Does It Mean to Be Poor in America?

What Did People Do to Waste Time Before the Internet Existed?

We’ve been wasting time since the first humans walked the planet. Where do you think we got the grand idea to procrastinate and stare at the same things all day like the clouds up above? Even if we’ve replaced the typical campfire discussion with Internet chat forums, both will leave you in a state of… Continue reading What Did People Do to Waste Time Before the Internet Existed?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Are you a human being? If so, you have the right to life, freedom and safety, as declared in 1948 by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. No matter your race, religion or nationality, we are all born free and equal. However, it seems nations continue to ignore basic human rights… Continue reading The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Better Out Than In: Banksy Street Art Takes Over NYC, Artist Sells Thousands’ Worth for $60 in Central Park

Have you seen the hilarious artwork of the infamous street artist Banksy yet? Banksy is an anonymous graffiti maestro from the UK currently documenting his “residency” on the streets of New York, called Better Out Than In. Each day, he uploads pictures of a new work to his Instagram account, including clues to its location.… Continue reading Better Out Than In: Banksy Street Art Takes Over NYC, Artist Sells Thousands’ Worth for $60 in Central Park

This Is Your Brain on Coffee Versus Beer

What you drink says a lot about what you’d like to do. Despite both coffee and beer being considered “social beverages,” being five cups of coffee in versus five beers deep will have quite different effects on you! So what’s really happening in our brains when we consume caffeinated beverages versus alcoholic drinks? Your conscious… Continue reading This Is Your Brain on Coffee Versus Beer