The Pros and Cons of Dating a Programmer

Have you ever dated a programmer? Dating a developer comes with many perks. For one, programmers spend most of their day debugging, so there is little time leftover for bugging you! Plus, given programmers’ busy schedules you won’t have to worry about them cheating on you. Or seeing you very often, for that matter. In… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Dating a Programmer

7 Rules to Internet Etiquette in the Age of the NSA

Our society has designated national holidays like Veterans Day to help celebrate our troops. But what about supporting our snoops? Have you met your personal NSA agent yet? Your personal agent watches everything you do online; even if you’ve yet to be acquainted, it doesn’t mean you need to hang out all day in front… Continue reading 7 Rules to Internet Etiquette in the Age of the NSA

What Tech CEO’s Wish For

As the holiday season approaches, there is much to be wishful for. And just because the CEO’s of most major tech companies are rich doesn’t mean they have everything in life. Take, for example, Mark Zuckerberg, who is praying that teenagers will think Facebook is cool again. Or Twitter’s Dick Costolo, who is hoping investors… Continue reading What Tech CEO’s Wish For

The Backwards Evolution of American Technology

A month after its launch, is still more of a hindrance than an aid to people who want to opt into a new health insurance plan using the Obamacare marketplace. The $400 million project might be the biggest internet fail in history, especially considering the political upheaval (aka the government shutdown) Obamacare opponents have… Continue reading The Backwards Evolution of American Technology

The Modern Day Proposal

For years, philosophers have pondered many questions that challenge our observations and perceptions of reality. Like, “if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Fast forward to modern times and new existential issues have surfaced regarding how our behavior online relates to our… Continue reading The Modern Day Proposal