The Alphabet of the Technical Obsolete [COMIC]

When’s the last time you’ve actually physically walked into a bookstore? Or seen an encyclopedia or dictionary for that matter? The Internet has changed everything, from how we consume our news, find directions and even communicate, now all online. Long gone are the nostalgic items of the pre-existing Internet era like quality, penmanship and good… Continue reading The Alphabet of the Technical Obsolete [COMIC]

10 Personalities of Writers Based on Their Punctuation

What we write is who we are. And how we use punctuation to convey our messages goes a long way toward shaping our personality online. Some people like to make themselves heard no matter what! While others are a little more cautious, often pausing while they speak. And few bloggers never actually state their own… Continue reading 10 Personalities of Writers Based on Their Punctuation

Black Friday Chaos, Tis the Season to be Tasered

The Holiday season is upon us once again. A time of joy, giving, and love. The air is full of kindness, just be careful of the taser. American shoppers never disappoint on Black Friday. Many will go to great lengths to get that last heavily discounted flat screen television, with displays of generosity to our… Continue reading Black Friday Chaos, Tis the Season to be Tasered

Six Types of Coders You Should Never Become

While developers literally make the world tick these days, there are a few things they do that may tick you off as well. Like have you ever met an NSA coder worried about invading your privacy? Or what about a version of Internet Explorer that could correctly display your website? Or do you think Farmville… Continue reading Six Types of Coders You Should Never Become

How Superheroes Would Use Social Media, Illustrated

What we do in real life quickly spills over to the silver screen. If 2013 was the year of the selfie, can we expect to see Batman and some of our other favorite superheroes tweeting photos of themselves as they bag crooks too? I mean, there is always a sequel and it’s never too early… Continue reading How Superheroes Would Use Social Media, Illustrated

This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]

Are you an Instagram, Facebook or Vine addict? Or potentially even more dangerous, do you often share your Instagrams and Vine selfies on Facebook and Twitter too? Animator and YouTube star sWooZie has put together a hilarious bit on how we interact with social media and in turn our friends. The animation was inspired via… Continue reading This Is Your Social Life Now Thanks to Facebook and Instagram [VIDEO]

What Are You Thankful for This Thanksgiving? [COMIC]

We all have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday, and few people have more to appreciate in life than some of top CEO’s of major tech companies. Like how Mark Zuckerberg, who many consider to have put the final nail in the coffin of online privacy, was able to buy out all the… Continue reading What Are You Thankful for This Thanksgiving? [COMIC]