We all have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday, and few people have more to appreciate in life than some of top CEO’s of major tech companies. Like how Mark Zuckerberg, who many consider to have put the final nail in the coffin of online privacy, was able to buy out all the houses on his street to better maintain his privacy in real life. Or how Tim Cook can cherish each Apple victory trolled against Samsung in patent court. And Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer, can be thankful that everyone hasn’t fled from Tumblr after the purple people acquisition, which is also encouraging for anyone worried about the future of Katie Couric’s career!
Jeff Bezos is always floating on cloud nine at this time of year as folks storm Amazon during and after Thanksgiving dinner looking for Black Friday shopping deals. And Steve Ballmer can be thankful that Microsoft is more worried about its Don’t Get Scroogled campaign instead of its own products or search for a capable leader to right its ship, greatly increasing his chances of sticking around.
So what are you thankful for this year?
Comic by The Joy of Tech