Happy Groundhog Day

Towards the beginning of every spring the groundhog (otherwise known as Punxsutawney Phil) comes out of his hole to evaluate just how much longer old man winter is going to be around. According to folklore, if he sees his shadow upon emerging from his burrow, Punxsutawney Phil will retreat to his burrow to wait out… Continue reading Happy Groundhog Day

Apple’s 30th Mac Birthday Bash

Do you use a Mac? Can you believe it’s already been 30 years since Apple’s first Mac computer was released? There are a number of things Apple could do with its 150 some billion in profit to celebrate, like give employees a few bonuses, stock redistributions, or even actually pay people livable wages in China.… Continue reading Apple’s 30th Mac Birthday Bash

Google’s Vision for the Home of the Future

After recently acquiring home automation company Nest, Google is on a quest to bring you the digitally connected home of the future. While Google has a wealth of data stored about our online behavior, this is its first foray into our offline lives. Imagine an intelligent thermostat that knew both when you were cold and… Continue reading Google’s Vision for the Home of the Future

Automation: Theory Vs. Reality

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Boy, I spend a lot of time on this task. Should I just write a program to automate it?” And then by the time you get to writing all the code, debugging it and going off on a few tangents, you notice that developing your program is actually taking… Continue reading Automation: Theory Vs. Reality

How to Get People to Care About Net Neutrality

With the FCC’s Open Internet Order struck down, is net neutrality dead? The path is now open for internet service providers to strike deals with large tech companies to fast track their services and give them priority over other sites. So what can we do to save it? While the issue is complicated, we just… Continue reading How to Get People to Care About Net Neutrality