Microsoft’s ‘Bing for Schools’ Rewards Searches with Surface RT Tablets

Today Microsoft launched the pilot program of Bing for Schools, an initiative to improve digital literacy among students. Schools participating in Bing for Schools will have access to a custom, ad-free version of Bing search equipped with SafeSearch filtering and enhanced privacy protections as well as an online curriculum focused on improving students’ online search… Continue reading Microsoft’s ‘Bing for Schools’ Rewards Searches with Surface RT Tablets

Social Media Spotlight Helps Former Marine Regain Eligibility to Play NCAA Football

Steven Rhodes, a former US Marine and Middle Tennessee State walk-on football player, was initially denied eligibility to play this year by the NCAA. He had to forfeit two years of eligibility while taking a mandatory redshirt this season all because he participated in a military-only recreational football league back in 2012 while serving at… Continue reading Social Media Spotlight Helps Former Marine Regain Eligibility to Play NCAA Football

Starting Them Young: LinkedIn Launches University Pages to Hook High School Students

The college application process is a rite of passage high school students are passing through in increasing numbers. With the cost of college education increasing and the amount of student loan debt exploding, career prospects have unfortunately become an important factor in deciding which colleges to apply to. The economy is too weak, employment opportunities… Continue reading Starting Them Young: LinkedIn Launches University Pages to Hook High School Students

Animography: Check Out This Free Animated Typeface for Designers

What happens when you let 110 animators do whatever they like to one typeface? Franchise Animated, a dynamic typography set by Animography, happens. The typeface was created by one type designer and a handful of contributing artists providing different animations. The project asked each artist to animate one glyph in Adobe After Effects using no more than… Continue reading Animography: Check Out This Free Animated Typeface for Designers

Meet the New Managing Editor of DashBurst [Successful Internship Case Study]

Several months ago we were looking to find a full-time writer and editor for our magazine. But as any entrepreneur or startup business owner would know, small businesses can ill afford to make poor hiring decisions with finances always tight. So we put out a flier on a writing internship, that was more like a… Continue reading Meet the New Managing Editor of DashBurst [Successful Internship Case Study]

The Animated History of Western Architecture and Design [6-Part Video Series]

Do you fancy yourself as a new age modernist or is your house a little more minimalistic or Bauhaus? I’ve always been fascinated by different architecture and have been looking to learn more about its many origins. To the rescue comes this new Design in a Nutshell series, a 6-part animation presenting the entire history… Continue reading The Animated History of Western Architecture and Design [6-Part Video Series]

Why Women Aren’t Thrilled About Computer Science Careers [REPORT]

Last week we wrote about she++, an organization founded by two Stanford students that aims to encourage women to participate in computer science fields. The organization is becoming increasingly active, hosting conferences on the subject and screening their documentary worldwide. This makes the time ripe for answering this question: why aren’t women joining computer science-related fields at rates similar to men?