Google Search: What Are Rich Snippets and Why Should I Care?

What Are Rich Snippets? Rich snippets are a type of on page mark-up. They are the extra bits of text that appear under search results.  Think of them like bacon bits for search engines.  That extra pop of flavor that differentiates you from the plain old potato next to you.  Are they necessary?  That depends.  Do you want your listing to… Continue reading Google Search: What Are Rich Snippets and Why Should I Care?

How Google Search Works: From Algorithms to 100 Billion Results a Month [INTERACTIVE]

Have you ever wondered how a search on Google actually works? You ask a question, and then magically somehow get an instant answer. But what’s really happening in between that split-second? Today, Google released an interactive site that attempts to illustrate this process called How Search Works. The site will take you through the entire… Continue reading How Google Search Works: From Algorithms to 100 Billion Results a Month [INTERACTIVE]

REPORT: It’s an Android World

There is no denying that Android, Google’s operating system for mobile smartphones is huge, but did you realize that it represented 65% of all the smartphones sold in 2012? In fact, the Android OS powers 42% of all consumer computer devices! A new report by Pingdom shows just how enormous Android really is. Smartphone web… Continue reading REPORT: It’s an Android World

The Oscars on Social Media Visualized [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Oscars are Hollywood’s biggest night for celebrating achievements in film and the reaction this year on social media was at an all-time high in volume. What’s amazing to see is that people both at home and celebrities in attendance took to basically the same web forums to voice their opinions. So how did your… Continue reading The Oscars on Social Media Visualized [INFOGRAPHIC]

HOW-TO: Write Articles That Go Viral On Social Media [10 Tips]

What does it take for something to go viral? Have you ever written an article that got a ton of shares on social media sites? If you haven’t, you’re going to learn 10 tips for writing content that will increase the likelihood of your posts going viral on social media. If you have, you’ll be… Continue reading HOW-TO: Write Articles That Go Viral On Social Media [10 Tips]

Flip Bits, Not Burgers: Google Announces Summer Of Code 2013

Google Summer of Code is a program that gives post-secondary student developers around the world (ages 18 and older) stipends to work on various open source software design projects. With today’s announcement, Google is looking to encourage promising young programmers to “flip bits, not burgers” this summer! The experience of learning to work with others… Continue reading Flip Bits, Not Burgers: Google Announces Summer Of Code 2013

7 Google Chrome Extensions You Need to Install

Google Chrome is now the most popular Internet browser in the world. I use it, you probably use it. According to StatCounter, as of December 2012, over 36% of the world favors it too. What makes it thrive is that it’s super fast with a ton of free apps to enhance your browsing experience. These… Continue reading 7 Google Chrome Extensions You Need to Install

STUDY: When is the Best Time to Publish a Blog Post?

After you’ve written an article you may have the urge to publish it right there on the spot and share your new masterpiece with the world. Should you post it immediately or is there a more optimal time of doing so? Well studies show that audiences are much more likely to read and comment on… Continue reading STUDY: When is the Best Time to Publish a Blog Post?