Print Anything, Anywhere Using Google Cloud Print Now on Windows

If you are not aware there is a free service called Google Cloud Print that allows you use your printer from anywhere on any device. The Cloud Print service works with any Google Chrome browser and applications that are cloud ready which allows you to print to a Cloud Printer. The latest update from Google… Continue reading Print Anything, Anywhere Using Google Cloud Print Now on Windows

Potluck: A New Social Network That Makes Sharing Links Kinda Like Going to a House Party for the Internet

You’re probably thinking this but don’t have the balls to admit it. So I’m going to go ahead and say it: the internet and the way we use it have gotten way out of hand. Just look at social networks – what started as a way to connect with people important to you and a… Continue reading Potluck: A New Social Network That Makes Sharing Links Kinda Like Going to a House Party for the Internet

Learn to Code Online for Free

Learning to program or write code can be extremely difficult. It is especially hard for people who have no experience with programming language or who’ve worked very little with computers. Becoming proficient in a programming language takes a lot of time and diligence. Until recently, acquiring these skills also required lots of money to purchase… Continue reading Learn to Code Online for Free

5 Must-Have SEO Tools

A search engine optimizer is only as effective as his or her tools. In order to keep up with this fast paced industry and still produce excellent results, you need to have a toolkit. A good construction worker always has a hammer by his side and other essential tools that he couldn’t do his job without. The… Continue reading 5 Must-Have SEO Tools

Google Search: What Are Rich Snippets and Why Should I Care?

What Are Rich Snippets? Rich snippets are a type of on page mark-up. They are the extra bits of text that appear under search results.  Think of them like bacon bits for search engines.  That extra pop of flavor that differentiates you from the plain old potato next to you.  Are they necessary?  That depends.  Do you want your listing to… Continue reading Google Search: What Are Rich Snippets and Why Should I Care?

How Google Search Works: From Algorithms to 100 Billion Results a Month [INTERACTIVE]

Have you ever wondered how a search on Google actually works? You ask a question, and then magically somehow get an instant answer. But what’s really happening in between that split-second? Today, Google released an interactive site that attempts to illustrate this process called How Search Works. The site will take you through the entire… Continue reading How Google Search Works: From Algorithms to 100 Billion Results a Month [INTERACTIVE]

13 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing for the Web

When writing for the web, there is a considerable amount of thought and structure that will need to go into each of your writing projects. Because of this, sometimes simple key technical and SEO factors of your posts can get overlooked. When this happens, this could potentially create a bigger problem down the road once… Continue reading 13 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing for the Web

Flip Bits, Not Burgers: Google Announces Summer Of Code 2013

Google Summer of Code is a program that gives post-secondary student developers around the world (ages 18 and older) stipends to work on various open source software design projects. With today’s announcement, Google is looking to encourage promising young programmers to “flip bits, not burgers” this summer! The experience of learning to work with others… Continue reading Flip Bits, Not Burgers: Google Announces Summer Of Code 2013