Reaches 2.5 Million People on Its 1st Day: What Issues Do American’s Care About Most?

With the new Affordable Healthcare Act in place, how are you going to be covered? Many Americans are wondering this and have taken to the Health Insurance Marketplace, which opened on October 1, to find out. The Health Insurance Marketplace is an online shopping center to find the best coverage for you. According to a… Continue reading Reaches 2.5 Million People on Its 1st Day: What Issues Do American’s Care About Most?

These Boots are Made for Walking, Forever: Sustainable Shoes That Last You for LYF

Imagine your favorite pair of shoes kept on kicking for life? Forever, ever? Sounds like the good LYF, right? That’s exactly what Aly and Beth Khalifa envision. The pair aims to “establish the new cutting edge of sustainability” by creating sustainable products that can easily be repaired or broken down and recycled by anyone, starting… Continue reading These Boots are Made for Walking, Forever: Sustainable Shoes That Last You for LYF

FOCUS100 Conference Brings Black Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Tech Together for Weekend of Mentorship

Black women entrepreneurs will meet and learn from top innovators in tech at FOCUS100, the self-proclaimed “most diverse tech conference on the planet.” Held at Ogilvy Headquarters in New York from October 4 to October 6, the Google-sponsored conference brings together thought leaders, innovators, investors and tech startups founded or co-founded by black women for… Continue reading FOCUS100 Conference Brings Black Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Tech Together for Weekend of Mentorship

Dutch Wind Turbine Sale Sets World Crowdfunding Record

Setting a new world record for crowdfunding, Dutch households purchased a wind turbine in just 13 hours through Windcentrale, a company that facilitates cooperative wind turbine purchases.

Report: Apple, Google Are Best Global Brands of 2013

Apple and Google have dethroned long-standing king Coca-Cola as the world’s most valuable brands in Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2013 Report. After 14 years, Apple is the first brand to overtake Coca-Cola for the #1 spot since the Best Global Brands study launched in 2000, with Google coming in as #2. Though Coca-Cola’s brand value… Continue reading Report: Apple, Google Are Best Global Brands of 2013

Never Give Up on What You Love

Are you an aspiring artist or writer? No matter what you’d love to do in life, getting started is never easy! “Art” by *SOLAR-CiTRUS was created in response to something that had been bothering the artist for a few years: Every time I encounter someone who’s just started as an artist, they put themselves down… Continue reading Never Give Up on What You Love

Photographer Captures Vintage New York Moments from His Taxi Cab

David Bradford was working as an art director at Saks Fifth Avenue when, after a decade of dedication to the store, he decided to take on a job that allowed him more freedom to pursue creative projects. In 1990 David started working as a cabbie, and on his very first day he realized he now… Continue reading Photographer Captures Vintage New York Moments from His Taxi Cab

Over 200,000 People Apply to Die On Mars: Who Would You Vote off the Planet?

Over 200,000 people have submitted applications for a one-way trip to Mars with the Dutch company Mars One. The company plans to start Mars’ first permanent human settlement, and it’s looking for astronauts to start settling the planet. You might even be able to help choose which aspiring astronauts will win a trip to Mars.… Continue reading Over 200,000 People Apply to Die On Mars: Who Would You Vote off the Planet?