The “True-Man” Show: Meet the Manly Cast of the Perfect Reality TV Show

Today’s reality TV shows feature casts filled with angry housewives, bachelorettes in frilly formal dresses, and all sorts of other archetypes, stereotypes, and no-types that seem solely designed to appeal to women. Where’s the show for guys? Where’s the show filled with manly men doing masculine things in brutal, butch ways? The little problem of… Continue reading The “True-Man” Show: Meet the Manly Cast of the Perfect Reality TV Show

Over 200,000 People Apply to Die On Mars: Who Would You Vote off the Planet?

Over 200,000 people have submitted applications for a one-way trip to Mars with the Dutch company Mars One. The company plans to start Mars’ first permanent human settlement, and it’s looking for astronauts to start settling the planet. You might even be able to help choose which aspiring astronauts will win a trip to Mars.… Continue reading Over 200,000 People Apply to Die On Mars: Who Would You Vote off the Planet?