11 Classic Album Covers Taken Back to Where it all Began via Google Street View

From the classic Beatles‘ Abbey Road cover to the factories illustrated on Pink Floyd‘s Animals release, many of your favorite album covers are actual scenes from real life. With recent advances in Google Street View technology, Halley Docherty of The Guardian helps us relive these moments using satellite images from the scenes with the real… Continue reading 11 Classic Album Covers Taken Back to Where it all Began via Google Street View

The “True-Man” Show: Meet the Manly Cast of the Perfect Reality TV Show

Today’s reality TV shows feature casts filled with angry housewives, bachelorettes in frilly formal dresses, and all sorts of other archetypes, stereotypes, and no-types that seem solely designed to appeal to women. Where’s the show for guys? Where’s the show filled with manly men doing masculine things in brutal, butch ways? The little problem of… Continue reading The “True-Man” Show: Meet the Manly Cast of the Perfect Reality TV Show

Livestream: Watch Eminem, Lady Gaga and Arcade Fire Live at the First-Ever YouTube Music Awards

The first-ever YouTube Music Awards are being held today, with live performances happening in Seoul, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro and London until the night culminates in a large bash hosted by actor and musician Jason Schwartzman and comedian and musician Reggie Watts in New York. Starting at 6 p.m. Eastern Time check out Eminem, Lady… Continue reading Livestream: Watch Eminem, Lady Gaga and Arcade Fire Live at the First-Ever YouTube Music Awards

YouTube Announces Its First-Ever Music Awards

Are you a fan of live music and real-time drama? Today YouTube has introduced a new music awards celebration coming in November featuring your favorite video producers from over the past year! The live event on November 3 will feature performances by Lady Gaga, Eminem, Arcade Fire, and many YouTube-born stars like CDZA and violinist… Continue reading YouTube Announces Its First-Ever Music Awards