What if you could play Tetris with real buildings? Graphic designer and artist Axel de Stampa gets to do just this in his new Architecture Animée series by reconstructing contemporary urban architectures and serving them up as GIF art. From spinning the Memory Museum around an imaginary axle to a getting the Emerson College in… Continue reading Architecture in Motion Series Reconstructs Buildings into GIFs
Tag: Timelapse
Timelapse videos, hyperlapses and astrophotography.
Vivid Sydney: Where Art and Technology Intersect to Light Up Your Night
Starting today, there’s a new art exhibition in Sydney, Australia and everyone’s invited. The Vivid Sydney exhibit is a public light and music show that displays outdoor lighting sculptures and installations throughout the city downtown. The exhibit runs from May 23-June 9 and also features contemporary and cutting-edge music, with performances spanning several genres. The… Continue reading Vivid Sydney: Where Art and Technology Intersect to Light Up Your Night
9 Animated Poster GIFs of Popular Films
How many times have you seen Pulp Fiction? For a movie to reach the status of cult classic, it needs to be replayed over and over again and spark some iconic artwork and GIFs on the interweb to boot. One Imgur user was recently up to this task by taking a few of the most… Continue reading 9 Animated Poster GIFs of Popular Films
Look Out for a Meteor Shower Coming to Earth for the First Time Ever on May 24
If you’ve ever seen a meteor shower, you’d know it is a pretty spectacular sight with lights streaking and falling across the night sky. Although they are rather common these days, we may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a never-before-seen meteor shower this coming May. On May 24, planet Earth may encounter… Continue reading Look Out for a Meteor Shower Coming to Earth for the First Time Ever on May 24
11 Classic Album Covers Taken Back to Where it all Began via Google Street View
From the classic Beatles‘ Abbey Road cover to the factories illustrated on Pink Floyd‘s Animals release, many of your favorite album covers are actual scenes from real life. With recent advances in Google Street View technology, Halley Docherty of The Guardian helps us relive these moments using satellite images from the scenes with the real… Continue reading 11 Classic Album Covers Taken Back to Where it all Began via Google Street View
Watch This Father Adorably Singing to His Unborn Child as It Grows in the Womb [TIMELAPSE VIDEO]
During his wife Giovanna’s pregnancy, McFly guitarist Tom Fletcher couldn’t just sit around and wait for the baby to come. So, like the musician he is, Fletcher spent nine months made a music video for his baby featuring a stop-motion style timelapse video of his wife’s growing belly and Fletcher singing a song written just… Continue reading Watch This Father Adorably Singing to His Unborn Child as It Grows in the Womb [TIMELAPSE VIDEO]
Watch Waves of Light and Music Pass Through an Urban Apartment Complex [TIMELAPSE]
Have you ever seen people doing the wave at a game or concert and thought it just wasn’t as cool as it used to be when you were a kid? Well, unlike that wave I assure you these waves of light and sound passing through these buildings will be welcomed by your senses. The Urban… Continue reading Watch Waves of Light and Music Pass Through an Urban Apartment Complex [TIMELAPSE]
Visual Artist Imagines Meeting Her Younger Self in These Nostalgic Double Self-Portraits
What if you passed a younger version of yourself on the street but didn’t even know you were there? Visual artist Chino Otsuka explores this and other themes in her photo series Imagine Finding Me. Using double self portraits as a mode of self reflection, Otsuka transposes recent images of herself onto her photographs from younger days. In these portraits her older self meets her younger self in settings that are neither past nor present.