Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

Every time I hear a press announcement these days I get a sense of déjà vu, as if I’ve heard the news before. Maybe that’s because heralded features like hashtags on Facebook and video support on Instagram were expected for a long time. Or maybe it’s because all these new features are pretty old and… Continue reading Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

17 First World Problems in 2013

By 2013 you would think that technology would have made us more productive than before. The internet, though, is a new tool (historically speaking, that is), and studies have shown a wide learning gap exists before humans can fully incorporate technological advances. While digital cameras, for example, now give you the ability to take and store… Continue reading 17 First World Problems in 2013

Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]

Back in the day nobody on the Internet knew who you really were, you could browse the web anonymously doing and saying as you pleased, but today privacy on the web has changed.   Now, the government taps into your phone, Facebook and Google accounts before investigators even pour the first round of coffee!  … Continue reading Identity on the Internet: Then and Now [COMIC]

How to Solve a Problem in Life [COMIC]

Have you ever struggled with a mathematics or physics problem? If so, you know that finding the right answer can take numerous calculations, additional research, and experimentation. In the end, you’re far more likely to come up with the wrong answer several times before actually discovering the right one.

Yourplace: The New Social Networking Site [COMIC]

Folks get ready for a groundbreaking new but vintage-like social network, with all the cool features you love from your favorite social media sites and more called Yourplace. You can invite friends over, have live chats, share photos, exchange ideas and more, all in real-time. You can even customize your domain and put anything you… Continue reading Yourplace: The New Social Networking Site [COMIC]

11 Ways To Live an Unremarkably Average Life

When we were growing up most of us were lead to believe we’re special but unfortunately many of us never live to prove it. Even though most of us aspire to do something truly great, we eventually blow our chances by making the wrong decisions. How can we avoid letting our voices get drowned out in… Continue reading 11 Ways To Live an Unremarkably Average Life

App Updates vs. Real Life [COMIC]

We’ve all seen that dreaded app notification on our smartphones or worse computers, signalling it’s time to download the latest and greatest version. But we do it because we know our apps will be better off afterwards. Or at the very least, we’d like to get rid of that annoying notification box! App notifications, or… Continue reading App Updates vs. Real Life [COMIC]