Tech Predictions for 2014 [COMIC]

If you could rub on a crystal ball, what would you see for the future of technology in 2014? Will Microsoft’s new tablet tiles become a factor? Will Elon Musk finally travel to Mars? What about all of our data now publicly available on the cloud? Will we eventually be able to access all of… Continue reading Tech Predictions for 2014 [COMIC]

6 Uncomfortable Situations and How to Avoid Them

Life has many awesome moments, but some just happen to be awkward no matter how you go about things. Like remember when you ran into someone wearing the exact same shirt as you, and you just knew she was going to poke fun at you about it? Or when you made that off-colored joke that… Continue reading 6 Uncomfortable Situations and How to Avoid Them

10 New Year Resolutions for Marketers Gone Wrong

Are you looking to step up your marketing efforts in 2014? Last year we shared with you the top 10 most overused buzzwords people are “responsible” for on LinkedIn. Today we reveal 10 “innovative” and “creative” New Year’s resolutions for “strategic” marketers (gone wrong) based on these same “effective” buzzwords. So whether you are “driven”… Continue reading 10 New Year Resolutions for Marketers Gone Wrong

Comical Tech Resolutions for 2014

Are you ready to usher in 2014? That’s right, it’s time to get those New Year’s resolutions drafted – and that goes for tech’s biggest players too. Mark Zuckerberg, for one, has vowed to make teens snap out of their love for other sites and come back to Facebook before the whole thing disappears. And… Continue reading Comical Tech Resolutions for 2014

Should You Take a Picture Right Now? This Funny Flowchart Can Help You Decide

So you’re thinking about taking another photo, but you’re not sure if you should really go through with it. Before snapping away, ask yourself: do you have an actual camera or are you just going to smartphone it? Also, is this another picture of your lunch or an evening sunset in HDR? If so, you… Continue reading Should You Take a Picture Right Now? This Funny Flowchart Can Help You Decide

What (Some) Content Marketers Really do for Christmas [COMIC]

Do you feel like every post you’ve seen in the last 24 hours has been about Christmas? The holiday has become big business for both retailers and content marketers alike. So instead of the old Yuletide post, what do you think other marketers would really be interested to read about this Christmas? Merry Christmas 🙂… Continue reading What (Some) Content Marketers Really do for Christmas [COMIC]

What’s an Elf’s Favorite Instagram Hashtag?

With 2013 being the year of the selfie, it’s not surprising to see that Santa’s little helpers are just about as vain as you on social media too. That’s right in this comic you can find #elfies all the way from your living room to the North Pole. Just try not to get photobombed by… Continue reading What’s an Elf’s Favorite Instagram Hashtag?