Kickstarter Wins Best Startup at 2013 Crunchies Awards, Tinder also Heating Up

In a night celebrating startups at the 2013 Crunchies Awards, Kickstarter, a site that helps people and startups crowdsource projects, took down the Best Startup of the Year award. Kickstarter was able to best stiff competition from the likes of Snapchat (who won Best Mobile Application), CloudFlare, Twitter and Uber. The Founder of the Year… Continue reading Kickstarter Wins Best Startup at 2013 Crunchies Awards, Tinder also Heating Up

Comical Tech Resolutions for 2014

Are you ready to usher in 2014? That’s right, it’s time to get those New Year’s resolutions drafted – and that goes for tech’s biggest players too. Mark Zuckerberg, for one, has vowed to make teens snap out of their love for other sites and come back to Facebook before the whole thing disappears. And… Continue reading Comical Tech Resolutions for 2014