Have you noticed your followers on Twitter continue to increase yet engagement hasn’t so much? That’s probably because 90% of your followers aren’t actually people but rather computerized robots. It has almost transgressed into a room full of machines simultaneously shouting out article links and inspirational quotes; 140 characters at a time. And the longer you’re logged into the site, the more likely you’re going to run into Justin Bieber’s feelings at the given moment than any real news. Half the tweets you read are also stuffed with dozens of @mentions or #hashtags, it becomes hard to make sense of any it. Sure you can use some social media tools to try and sort out the riffraff, but as the clock continues to wind your Twitter stream becomes infiltrated with a growing amount of dribble from even once trusted sources of news. What really happens as time goes by on Twitter?
Twitter vs. Time
chart via collegehumor
How long have you been on Twitter? Do you fly by the site often or do you think it’s a waste of time?
You always get a very intelligent point across in a very funny way. Thank you.
Ha thanks Judith 🙂
I try to watch out for the robtos
This is pretty much how I feel about Twitter. Well played.
That pretty much sums it up. Not the biggest fan, but I see the traffic driving value. Not much value as a “social” site though. At least, not for me.
Loved it, sad but true!
Dang. I always get to the party too late. Still think Twitter has value for nonprofits and philanthropy, but maybe…