Klout Introduces Personalized Scheduling and Topic Filtering

It’s been a busy few days for Klout, which recently pivoted as a content curation tool before being acquired by Lithium Technologies. The new Klout suggests content users may be interested in and provides tools for scheduling this content to be published to your social media audiences. But when it comes to achieving maximum engagement,… Continue reading Klout Introduces Personalized Scheduling and Topic Filtering

How to Ignore and Replace Facebook News Feed Posts on Topics that Annoy You: Rather Chrome Extension

From the creators of unbaby.me comes the next evolution of Facebook News Feed filtering: Rather. See, our friends aren’t perfect, and every single thing they say doesn’t always interest us. And the things that don’t interest us can be generalized to certain topics. It’s as if you’d say to yourself, “I would rather look at… Continue reading How to Ignore and Replace Facebook News Feed Posts on Topics that Annoy You: Rather Chrome Extension