9 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Every year, our natural ambition takes over and compels us to set lofty New Year’s resolutions. Instead of trying to be a hero, why not create more realistic goals for ourselves? Like instead of dropping a bunch of dough on gym memberships we’re never going to use, we could drop some pounds with a cheap… Continue reading 9 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

10 New Year Resolutions for Marketers Gone Wrong

Are you looking to step up your marketing efforts in 2014? Last year we shared with you the top 10 most overused buzzwords people are “responsible” for on LinkedIn. Today we reveal 10 “innovative” and “creative” New Year’s resolutions for “strategic” marketers (gone wrong) based on these same “effective” buzzwords. So whether you are “driven”… Continue reading 10 New Year Resolutions for Marketers Gone Wrong