11 Humorous Illustrations Of What Pop Culture Characters Actually Do On Their Day Off

Even famous pop culture icons need a day off once and awhile. And artist Kiersten Essenpreis shows just what that might look like in her funny, comic illustrations. So if you were wondering what happened to the cat in Alien, or what Gozer from Ghost Busters enjoys doing when not summoning destructors like the Stay… Continue reading 11 Humorous Illustrations Of What Pop Culture Characters Actually Do On Their Day Off

6 Futuristic New Google Products More Exciting Than Glass [COMIC]

Have you got yourself a pair of those new sci-fi-like augmented-reality glasses by Google? If you’ve missed the boat, have no fear, as Google is constantly launching new products and apps meant to disrupt not only technology but daily life as we know it! Are you tired of thinking for yourself or the stress that… Continue reading 6 Futuristic New Google Products More Exciting Than Glass [COMIC]

7 Important Rules For Freelancers To Live By

Are you a freelancer? Do you have a certain code of conduct or daily ritual that enables you to be successful? Here are seven hardcore principles that freelancers and entrepreneurs can rely upon: via incidentalcomics 1. Surround Yourself With Inspiration Inspiration comes in many forms. But the key is to identify its sources and visit… Continue reading 7 Important Rules For Freelancers To Live By