What Does Your Favorite Coffee Say About Your Personality?

Are you a big coffee drinker? The kind of coffee you drink can shed a lot of light on your personality. For example, if you prefer to keep things simple by drinking your coffee black, you are a minimalist. Or, if you need a little more flavor in your life with a Frappuccino, you are… Continue reading What Does Your Favorite Coffee Say About Your Personality?

What if You Could Actually Touch Things at the Museum?

We all know museums are very cold and you’re not supposed to actually touch anything. But what if you could? Does your favorite museum have a gift shop? Depending on the artists featured, it might be a little more like a gag store and not as fortunate as you think. Imagine how infinitely long it… Continue reading What if You Could Actually Touch Things at the Museum?

The 5-Second Rule: Expectations vs. Reality

Have you ever dropped food on the ground but ate it anyway since you were able to pick up the remaining morsels within the limit of the five-second rule? While you’ve been led to believe that no significant number of germs could infect your grub within such a quick recovery time, would you still eat… Continue reading The 5-Second Rule: Expectations vs. Reality

How to Beat Every Game You Bought This Year [COMIC]

Are you stuck trying to conquer a new video game you received over the holidays? Whether you’re playing an old addictive classic like Super Mario Brothers or a new Xbox One game with friends online, here’s how to crush any of this candy for good. That’s right: this year, fulfill that final New Year’s resolution… Continue reading How to Beat Every Game You Bought This Year [COMIC]

What Inspires You to Write?

Creative inspiration comes in many forms. For some writers it takes the right ambient tunes, while for others certain phases of the moon influence them most. Some of us need need a room with a view or plenty of natural light to shine, but others do just fine with a few pieces of paper, a… Continue reading What Inspires You to Write?

9 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Every year, our natural ambition takes over and compels us to set lofty New Year’s resolutions. Instead of trying to be a hero, why not create more realistic goals for ourselves? Like instead of dropping a bunch of dough on gym memberships we’re never going to use, we could drop some pounds with a cheap… Continue reading 9 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep