Did you know that an estimated 36% of internet advertising is spent on fraudulent traffic or bots? According to security firm Solve Media, these zombie computers simulating real traffic cost advertisers about $10 billion last year alone. Now a new startup called White Ops believes they’ve found a way to decipher and filter real traffic… Continue reading How Many Bots Visit Your Site Each Day? White Ops Startup Wants to Help Filter Botnet Traffic
Tag: bots
What if a Third of Internet Ad Traffic Was Fraudulent? Wait – It Is
In 2013, marketers dropped a record $42.8 billion on internet advertising according to the trade group Interactive Advertising Bureau. To put that into perspective, during the same year, only about $40 billion was spent on broadcast television ads. But here’s the kicker: an estimated 36% of the billions spent on internet advertising is the result… Continue reading What if a Third of Internet Ad Traffic Was Fraudulent? Wait – It Is