When it comes to sitting around, the last thing that comes to mind is creativity. But these designers have managed to make mundane park benches into magnificent works of art and cunning advertisements. I can’t vouch for all their comfortableness, though, as some of these benches are intended more as messages than recreational units. Take Nike’s bench, for example, where a place to sit cannot be found and the back of the bench encourages you to “RUN” instead. Or check out Denver Water’s conservational ploy missing almost two-thirds of the bench (providing only room for one) suggesting that you “use only what you need.”
[via topdesignmag]
Have you ever seen any of these benches? What’s your favorite one?
A new twist on the mundane bench!
A new twist on the mundane bench!
The peeled back pavement is very clever.
The peeled back pavement is very clever.
Drat. I only wanted to sit Down.
Drat. I only wanted to sit Down.