Facebook truly seems to be taking over the world with its acquisitions, from photos with Instagram to international communication with WhatsApp, to virtual reality with Oculus. Now, Facebook is tackling fitness with its acquisition of fitness and activity-tracking app Moves. Created by Helsinki-based company ProtoGeo Oy, Moves is an iPhone and Android app that tracks… Continue reading Facebook ‘Moves’ into Activity-Tracking World, Acquires the Fitness App Moves
Tag: moves
I’m Gone: How to Quit in Fabulous Style
Our society has been a sucker for the big exit since the days of Jerry Maguire’s famous last words, “Who’s coming with me?”, to Peter Gibbons from Office Space deciding, “I’m just gonna stop going.” It would take a lot of passion, flare, or lack of care to top these departures in real life. Marina… Continue reading I’m Gone: How to Quit in Fabulous Style